

  • Yeah I'm kind of obsessing over that, like you said. I have had an actual eating disorder (I can privately talk about it but, you know, not here) and got mostly out of it, not completely though. That picture was taken 2 weeks ago, I am in better shape now actually :) Thanks!
  • That's what I'm gonna do next, indeed. :) Thanks again! I'll let you know :D
  • That is true, alas. I'll do what I can then :) Thank you all for your helpful replies!:smile:
  • There's no doubt it's unhealthy, I've known that for a couple of months now. I did have an actual eating disorder (can't discuss it here, it's unpleasant), now it's better. I've been told that because of my little eating and drinking for so long my body is clinging to what it's got and I'd be happy to eat more calories…
  • Gotcha, so should I just avoid the scale and keep working out, running and exercise and drink more? After being VERY overweight, you know, I'm worried about going back to the 'overweight' side, after so much effort, but I guess if it's muscle and being much fitter I'll give it a go :)
  • So, in order to bulk up even more I should eat more and avoid watching the scale for a while and not care for the BMI? Even if I pass the overweight limit? The thing is, I want to get bigger and more shredded and at the same time I don't want to be overweight... it's a crappy dilemma because I know I need to eat more and I…
  • You're right, I should... but it's become an habit I guess. If I'm hungry I just stay hungry and push through it... My original diet was actually pretty balanced, then I started eating less and less and less... At one point I was eating once every few days, or just drinking some water or a can of tuna. Then I started…
  • Thank you all for all your helpful replies, much appreciated :) Yes my waist is way smaller, my tummy flat, my shoulders and chest broader and arms bigger. I try not to eat carbs (just a tiny bit a day) and lots of protein and veggies stayin well under the 1200 kcal per day although I exercise a lot. But I keep getting…
  • Thanks, I'll try :) I can never understand how muscle weighs more than fat though, can you explain it to me?
  • Wow That's impressive!
  • Oh I just wanted to add one more thing: after my daily training I of course lose weight. The daily flactuation is about 4-5 lbs. And I'm pretty sure that, because I have been eating way less than the regular calory intake, I've been in starvation mode for a long time (my diet took about 7 months). But they've told me it's…
  • Thank you all for your useful replies :) I really appreciate it! Yes I do lift a lot, I exercise in the morning a little bit, 1.5 hs at noon and on Saturdays and some Sundays too mostly weight lifting etc. I do have to drink and eat or I won't have any strength and I work full time so it's hard not to eat or eat very…