vw8dst Member


  • I also do the "extra dinner in portions" so I can still count calories, but I also stock up on lean cuisines or health choice lunches/dinners only when they are on sale...4 for $10 (so, $2.50 each) or something similar depending on the sale.
  • I love it! I found myself doing that one day--Dentyne is my weapon of choice; 3 calories but potent. My other weapon is, umm...well...actually going to bed. I'm usually a night owl (I think I read you stay up late alot); but that is my WORST time of the day....and I hide form the kitchen in my bed, laptop in tow, and then…
  • completely mental. The previous posters are absolutely right, once you're ready, willing and able mentally to do it, you'll do it. Not before. And I used to have at least 2-liters of coke a day, and couldn't go the week w/o having McDonald's, chinese food, dominoes pizza and also eat out. I ate so poorly and wondered why I…
  • It's not meant to be a shortcut, although many people use it for that. If you do your research, it's supposed to jumpstart a healthier eating lifestye. You do it primarily to cleanse your body of harmful toxins, reset your system, and sometimes you can't efficiently do that while your organs are consumed with breaking down…
  • I have this problem. never realized b4 that my olive oil was 120 calories for ONE tablespoon. Ugh, I started using this olive oil spray (0 calories) for cooking food and only 1/2 tablespoon for my salad if any at all...