Master Cleanse

Does anyone know anything about this? I saw it a while ago on Kat Von D's show, and I was wondering if it was good/safe to do.


  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    I did it as an experiment...more just to see what it was all about and to see if I had the guts to do it. I tend to be very skeptical when it comes to diet and exercise quick fixes. You can see my results on my blog. It worked...I lost ten pounds...and immediately put it back on once returning to solid food. It might be OK if you had a special event you wanted to flatten your tummy for, but it's not for the long term.
  • looney9708
    looney9708 Posts: 174 Member
    I have done the Master Cleanse before with a group of friends. Yes, there was weight loss, but for everyone I have talked to, most of it came back. However, I do still believe in it for the detoxing benefits. Very difficult to stay on, more because of the mental desire to eat. However, I am convinced it kicked start me to a healthier lifestyle and TOTALLy kicked my addiction to carbs. Do it with a friend or two, or three.
  • KaizokuNoMaiku
    One of my best friends did it and tbh it sucks, you gain the weight back rly fast if you stop and unless your wanna lose a few pounds just before a fotoshoot or something I would stay clear of it.
    There are no shortcuts to getting in shape its all hard work and dedication =)
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    It's garbage. There are no shortcuts.
  • vw8dst
    vw8dst Posts: 5 Member
    It's not meant to be a shortcut, although many people use it for that. If you do your research, it's supposed to jumpstart a healthier eating lifestye. You do it primarily to cleanse your body of harmful toxins, reset your system, and sometimes you can't efficiently do that while your organs are consumed with breaking down your food all the time. If you do it, I'd suggest to do it with a friend. It is hard, but I do it once a year. I convinced my friend to do it with me this year and she was amazed that she wasn't as hungry as she thought she'd be. Yes, mentalyy we want to put something in our mouths and chew it but after a few days, some people can manage drinking the mix (which tastes good) without the need to shew something. Some can't. People put the weight back on, just like all other quick diet, weight-loss tricks, because they forget they need to stay on track with a healthy diet. I forget too some time after but go back to eating better quicker than if I hadn't done it at all. I also think it's good because if you're addicted to food like myself, it teachees you mental discipline and how to change your relationship with food (but then again so does any good diet plan that teaches you about good food for the long haul).

    Read all you can about the MC, not just about making the mix, but also about how you ease into it and out of it, and the foods you should avoid, etc. This way you have all the info for yourself.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    ^ except your body already cleanses itself of harmful toxins on a regular basis thanks to organs such as the liver, kidneys, and intestinal tract. Your intestines are filled with useful bacteria, for example, yet many of these junk science "cleanses" advocate the need to "flush out your intestines because they're filled with junk". That simply is not the case.

    Your body "being consumed with breaking down your food all the time" is a GOOD thing. Why else do you think so many nutritionists advocate eating 5+ times a day instead of 2-3 big meals? Constant digestion means an elevated metabolic rate. That is GOOD, not bad. On the other hand, if you're stuffing your face constantly then yes, your digestive systems will be overtaxed - you're also likely extremely overweight, diabetic, suffering from heart disease, and facing a host of other issues.

    If you really want to "cleanse your body", you will let your body do its job and help it by drinking more water and adding more fiber to your diet. NOT by doing the exact opposite and trying to force the pipes clean.

    MC and all related tricks are all a scam. Please, don't peddle junk science. It's not only not at all helpful but potentially harmful.