

  • I'm on my second round of T25 and currently week 2. I had AMAZING results with T25. I should probably go post my progress pics so you all can see. You can also go to my motivation page on Facebook. www.facebook.com/heartsoulfitness I'm telling you all this program is amazing and you will not regret sticking with it.…
  • I'm 5'2" and I have a goal of 120 pounds. I would even be happy at 125 with lean muscle! As far as vitamins and supplements I drink Shakeology daily!
  • Thats awesome ladies! I'm down 12 pounds and not sure how many inches. I thought I could add a pic but I can't. You can go to this page and see my progress pics so far. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=585148718207063&set=a.519780768077192.1073741825.442120359176567&type=1&theater I hope to see better results after…