

  • I agree with arielle0489 that those percentages look good. One thing to consider is the quality of your carbs. Do some research on complex vs. simple carbs. You want mostly complex with perhaps some simple before and after workout. Try to take some protein within 30 minutes of workout also. However, your total calories of…
  • Disclaimer: I am a personal trainer and weight management coach. I think having money to purchase healthy clean food would be number one in weight loss because in pure weight loss mode, you can get your exercise by walking or jogging. If you are wanting to lose weight faster, get in better shape or gain muscle I believe…
  • I use one that is just "Yard Work" at 200 calories an hour. I am not sure if I created it or not but I got the cal/hr from when I used another calorie tracking site and my nutritionist agreed with the amount. If you are trying to lose weight I probably wouldn't track it but once you hit your target weight or start fine…
  • Hi Jamie, I am sorry to hear you are having troubles. I am a certified personal trainer and certified lifestyle and weight management coach along with other activity specific certifications. Here is the general disclaimer, I am not a medical doctor or a licensed nutritionist so please understand I can give you my advice…