Nutrition...Nutrition...can someone give me input?

Alright folks....I am currently doing ChaLEAN extreme program and taking shakeology for dinner. I am 5'8 weigh 158 and a 40 year old woman. I have just tracked my daily nutrition and have no idea if I am under...over... or what. My goal is to get muscles and trim down fat. My calories are usually 1550. My carbs are 155. My fat is 67 and protein is 107. What is the amount of carbs and fat and such should I be taking in?? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    The percentages sound good to me. Similar to what I'm on. I just lift at home and do cardio at the gym, however. I'm doing more of circut training than what you're doing, I assume. Not too familiar with ChaLEAN. Usually the Beachbody workouts come with a nutrition guide, do you not have it? I would say stick with where you are and wait a couple weeks, see what happens!
  • CJunell
    CJunell Posts: 4
    I agree with arielle0489 that those percentages look good. One thing to consider is the quality of your carbs. Do some research on complex vs. simple carbs. You want mostly complex with perhaps some simple before and after workout. Try to take some protein within 30 minutes of workout also.

    However, your total calories of 1550 look a little low to be building muscle. It is difficult to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. You have to be really dialed in with your nutrition so you might consider focusing on loosing fat first and get a handle on what caloric intake makes you lose, stay the same etc. Once you have that you can intensify the workouts (have to have resistance training) and increase calories to gain muscle. This will also help prevent injuries as your non-helpful body mass will be decreased when you ramp up exercise.