

  • I found the two major changes for me were 1. Cutting out wheat. I went from 168 to around 155 with no exercise at all and no change to what volume I ate of other things. 2. Intermittent fasting (IF) When I reached 155 I could go no further. I work fairly hard and can run an easy 10k in 57 minutes (thats my guide for…
  • I read something about low HR exercise is more beneficial to fat loss than high HR and low HR for a long period is even better. Higher HR over a longer period give more overall calories burned but they can come from everywhere, so I think you are doing it right if you want to lose fat and not risk muscle loss. As to the OP…
  • I have high BP and try to keep under 1500mg daily. But the other very important part of this is Potassium which I try to keep high. They balance each other out apparently. When I gave up wheat, my weight dropped 16lbs with no exercise and I was able to halve my blood pressure med. Now I am exercising and the weight is…
  • Why would you not eat your exercise calories? The calorie deficit (to reach your weight loss goal) is calculated into the system when you set up on here. Not fueling your body is counter productive to weight loss, isn't it? You will get an initial drop (most likely fluids) and then stop as your metabolism slows/shuts down.…
  • Hello there I don't know anything about your stats but 1200 calories daily does not sound like much to me. Have you added in the exercise you do? If you have, and not compensated (in food) for any calorie deficit then your metabolism might be shut down. I have never been on a diet and dont really know what HCG is, but I…
  • I really have only been doing this for a couple of weeks but already realise I am in the same situation so I have decided to do active recovery days rather than rest days. Active recovery is lighter exercise to allow for recovery from a specific routine, it could be a swim or a walk. So for instance yesterday I did a 1…
  • Personally, and this is only my opinion, it is not necessary to go the protein shake route. The protein you need can easily come from a balanced diet, and that, in addition to the exercise, is the reason most of us are here, isn't it? We screwed up diet and neglected exercise. at least I did. When you are just starting out…
  • Quote - Even at a very comfortable pace my HR is > 160 and to get it below 145 to keep the darn thing from beeping I have to walk. I think this is referred to as heart rate drift, As you get fitter it drifts up less. What you are doing, that is, slowing to a walk is perfect to get max benefit for training your body to do…
  • I love mine, I wear then with the finger socks. I have not run in them yet but I will. I would not go more than perhaps a few minutes for the first few times and gradually increase (I read that somewhere and it makes sense) I also run in flats (like Nike Free, 5's) as well as "regular" cushioned running shoes and I just…
  • There is a (not very accurate) formula for max heart rate and that is 220 less your age. This is subject to significant change of as much as 8-16 beats more or less. So for you 220-29 (your age) gives a result of 191. I would suspect your maximum is higher than this because you can sustain 190 for some time, you might be…
  • I had a bad fall in 1982 and damaged my lower back. 10 years later I was still in pain. I saw a physiotherapist and she told me to buy a book called treat your own back by robin a mckenzie. Best thing I ever bought. Now, if I feel I have done something that might cause a low back problem, I do the "emergency" exercises,…
  • My body retains sodium and potassium as well. In addition to the heart disease mentioned, it also helps to elevate blood pressure (apparently) and as my BP was very high I have to be very cautious about sodium and potassium. For instance, cottage cheese, just check out how much sodium is in there, I for sure need to leave…
  • FWIW We have a treadmill, we also had an eliptical. The e has been given to a cousin. We just never used it. We both run and train for running events. If we were just looking to get fit then perhaps we would get an Eliptical. Treadmills are specific to running though (duh!) and as such, that is what we use for specific…
  • I would say yes, probably. I am part of a running clinic and most Sunday runs are preceded by a talk. Yesterday was nutrition. If you eat less than your minimum required calorie requirement (to survive), so the amount you would need to maintain weight if you just laid on the sofa all day, not moving, then your body will go…