

  • I make a dressing with a cup of vinegar (most apple cider vinegar, with a bit of balsamic and rice vinegar; wine vinegar is good too, try combinations) 1/2 cup olive oil and 1/2 cup maple syrup. Add a tsp of dark mustard, grated fresh ginger, a mashed clove of garlic, and one finely diced onion. It's great on sliced…
  • It wasn't until I was well into my 30s before I learned about boundaries. It was not something that I was taught in my family growing up. Today I still have to work at it. I wrote a little prayer that I used to say every day. These days I still call on it when needed: "Please help me to remember that I am not responsible…
  • I have to keep myself honest because for me it's just too easy to pretend I'm not over eating. One little bite may not make a big difference, but many one little bites add up. That's how I added back on so many of the pounds that I lost the first time around. Not going there again.
  • Wow, 21 pounds is a lot to loose that fast. Are you doing low carb? I lost 60 some pounds on a low carb diet many, many years ago, but as I got close to my goal, I stopped loosing, no matter what I did. I had to find another weight loss program to get the rest off. I've known others with similar experiences.
  • It's very hard, but you will feel better -- stronger -- if you set boundaries with those who try to sabotage your efforts. It's especially hard with someone like our mothers (or big sisters), so I don't get it right every time. (Mothers and daughters -- seems like there's a lot there that relates to weigh issues.) Progress…