

  • CONGRATULATIONS, you look amazing! I pray that I loose 75 lbs by either the end of this year and no later than March. The scale is my enemy as well. I really want to start to do the weight lift soon, I'm just starting out with Zumba and the elliptical those are the only two that I have been committed to lately. You are…
  • Bless you, CONGRATULATIONS. I've just begun my journey (47 days in) I started out at 247.6 and I am now 233.4, my age is 52 and I'll be 53 in 13 days. I am looking forward to loosing 85 pounds. Your story has motivated me although we have an age difference I'm so impressed by your progress. Thank you so much for sharing…
  • I joined about 35 days ago and I am looking forward to losing 60lbs. I have 52 more lbs to go. I want to be half my goal by November this year. I notice that I am not keeping up with my calorie intake I am always below and that's not good, any suggestions?