

  • My library has a collection of playaway books that are great for walking. Basically its an audiobook in a cassette sized device. Plug in earphones and you're good to go
  • I'm Sue and have been doing LCHF on and off (mostly on) since April 2014. I lost about 24 lbs then went of vacation at an all inclusive in Nov. I was out of control since then until Jan 2 when I realized that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I gained 8 lbs. I am again in the foothills and doing induction once…
  • Low carb works but you aren't really there yet. You need to read about how to do it correctly. Yogurt, tortilla chips, oatmeal are not a good place to start. There are many books available, the most common are those by Dr Atkins or South Beach. They are most likely in your public library if you don't want to buy them. If…
  • Lisa, There are several really good, supportive groups of women over 50 who are facing the same challenges. find one that feels right. I find it helpful in keeping me on track
  • The dress is beautiful and you look awesome. Congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy marraige.
  • you look wonderful and its good to hear that you feel better too
  • I love my fitbit. It costs $99 and is worth it. It automatically updates a free website and also connects with MFP.I've been using it off and on but mostly on for 4 years. The battery lasts a long time and is rechargeable. I think it is very cost effective.
  • Good for you. It's hard work and you stuck with it
  • Hi Ladies, I signed up for this board some time ago and just did not participate. I am sorry for that. The postings that others have made are really motivational as I like to see that people are out there and moving. I took a first step today and went to the gym for the first time in 4 months. I've been traveling (Italy…
  • The "Change" is in my rear view mirror. I worried about it and I was very sad that a part of my life was finished. The big surprise is that life on the other side is better than ever. Yeah, there are wrinkles and gray hair but you don't need to go down that road. As god is my witness, I will never have a gray hair (pardon…
  • There is lots of info available on line. I started with the South Beach Diet. I lost 10 lbs since July 2. I hedge my bets by also watching total calories. There are also some useful blogs on line,
  • Be careful with the low fat stuff. New research is showing that the low fat diet that has been foisted on us is not a healthy one. Read the June 23 issue of Time magazine (there is butter on the cover). I add calories with a protein shake.
  • Keep it up. Together we can get this done.