

  • I'm a bread lover as well! I was shown to keep it in the freezer and then I just take out what I might want for the next day or two. I usually cut the english muffin and stick it in the oven under the broiler on Hi for a minute or so. I used the Ezekiel wheat bread as a substitute hot dog bun last night.. It was different…
  • Donnell, how are you logging your WOD in the dairy? I just chose a general circuit training? Is that close to accurate? Thanks! Michelle
  • This week I started the WOD week 2. I must say the video attachments are so convenient. I really like that the workout goes through transitions. I like knowing I'm able to move on to the next move once I start to feel the burn. It makes me feel like I'm progressing through my workout without getting bored. And even better…