

  • Have one day a week where you eat one of your "trigger foods" in moderation of course. Pizza is my favorite food and I use that as my motivation meal often. It helps me get through the week knowing I can have pizza on Saturday :) and before long you will not crave those foods. I used to drink 2-3 cans of Pepsi everyday and…
  • My typical day is... Breakfast: half grapefruit and a mini bagel (180 cals) Snack: 100 cal pack of almonds (100 cals) Lunch: bowl of fruit (200 cals) Dinner: (4oz of grilled chicken, a sweet potato, and broccoli (about 270) Snack: 90 calorie fiber one brownie (90 cals) So about 840 cals and I feel full. I also was burning…