fab125 Member


  • I'm 5' 2" & my goal is 125. I might go down to 120 if it looks like I need to. I'm at 137 now, so we'll see.
    in 5'2" ladies? Comment by fab125 July 2011
  • I think leisurely swimming means swimming very slow laps- thats how i would take it.
  • I would definitely not log the leisurely swimming. MFP will over calculate leading you to believe you can eat an extra 1,000 cals. Instead, I would change to "lightly active"
  • My go-to snacks when my calories are almost gone for the day are steamed broccoli or a small apple. Both have lots of fiber & low in cals. They will make you feel fuller longer. Drink at least 2 large glasses of water as well. That helps!
    in So Hungry Comment by fab125 May 2011
  • Hi. I just had a couple questions about Clomid. Does it have any side effects? I am at home recovering from a Laparoscopy I had yesterday. I have had a lot of pain during my cycle for years, and my doctor finally suggested surgery. He found scar tissue on one ovary & a cyst on the other. He's also doing a biopsy to…
    in infertility Comment by fab125 May 2011
  • I was just told a week ago that my weight might have something to do with our fertility problems. How devastating! Especially since I have only gained 3 lbs. since my last pregnancy, which ended in a loss. Apparently I am not ovulating correctly, and it has to do with my weight. I am at 150 & need to get to 125. -and PCOS…
    in infertility Comment by fab125 April 2011
  • Thanks everyone! I'll check into that site. I'm eating lots of veggies, but maybe not enough protein. 1200 calories doesn't go a long way! My doctor didn't give me any guidelines other than "eat 1200 calories", so I wasn't sure.