

  • I'm pretty sure that I'm a pear. I carry all of my weight in my hips, thighs and butt. 5'0 155 lbs Bust: 36 Waist: 24 Hips:46
  • There are people here who are way over the size 6/8 mark and it seemed like she was making a size 8 out to be extremely overweight. I'm not surprised people were upset by that, it was shallow.
  • And people answered. You can't control how others are going to react and some were, understandably, offended. I could understand her being irritated that one gained some weight, that could be a slight problem but it's not the end of the world. What I can't wrap my mind around is one losing "too much" weight and so she's…
  • She didn't ask for support, she asked for opinions. And, whether they were brutal or not, that's what she got.
  • To be fair, what did she expect to happen? Especially when she says things like her fiance is 150 pounds overweight and is lucky to have her.
  • You're being so unreasonable. One gained ten pounds so you're freaking out and the other lost more weight than you so you're jealous. Your fiance is right, chill out and enjoy the process or else you might not have any friends once the wedding is over. If you want all the focus to be on you, going off of your plan that was…