

  • Sorry, been a bad time again. Thank you for your helpful words! Im trying the 'I can do this' mentality. Wish me luck! Still looking for more friends to keep me on track :) xx
    in HELP! Comment by shazzc88 January 2015
  • I am so in need of friends on here, ive tried before and failed because I was alone and struggling. I would love the friendship and support people are always telling me about :) feel free to add me xx
  • Hi, add me I could use some motivation too. Im 26 5'5 and 262lb. Ive tried on and off to do this but it has to work this time. Im doing more the eating atm as ive torn ligaments in my ankle but looking into some upper body workouts over the next week when kids back in school xx
  • Its not all about being thin, i don't want to be thin I want to be and look healthy. I want to be able to run around with my children without getting too tired or out of breath, I want to have fun and be happy with myself. I know its a life style change and that the part that I struggle with because it scares me thinking…
    in HELP! Comment by shazzc88 September 2014