Hi all! Im Shartay and I'm over 270lbs and I need help!!

I'm 26 with 2 children and Ive been trying to lose weight for soooo long! Ive tried all the 'fad diets' and basic diet and exercise and after 4 weeks the weight loss slows down and so does my enthusiasm :/ then I end up putting on the weight Ive lost and more!
Its a vicious cycle I just cant seem to get out of but this time I HAVE to do it as Ive been asked to be maid of honor for a friend in 2016! (happy dance) so excited but I can not go this size! This needs to be the kick up the bum I get to get me sorted this time, i just have no idea where to start to make it work.
I do quite a bit of walking daily (3miles ish a day) so starting there wont work.

Im just hoping really to speak to some lovely people who have been or are going through the same and possibly support eachother?



  • Zerodette
    Zerodette Posts: 200 Member
    I have found this site helpful because it made me realized how my eating habits were affecting my weight. I used to think hitting the gym three times a week would eventually create results. Since I have started logging I realize I was probably eating a huge surplus of calories every single day. 20 minutes in the gym can't cancel that out!

    Start logging and paying attention to what you're eating. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    A lot of people want to be thin, but don't want to do the hard work of losing weight. They make half-assed attempts and quit because they just want to be thin, not work for it. It's lots of hard work, every day.

    It's even harder if you decide to make lifestyle changes instead of portion adjustments.

    It requires determination, commitment and patience. You must stay the course even when the scale doesn't show progress. When you have a setback, you have to not give it a second thought and keep going. It all requires serious motivation, which nobody can give you. It has to come from within.

    When you're motivated - when you really WANT it - you'll do it. When you're really motivated, nothing will stop you.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    This isn't a fad diet, its a life change. You're eating the same things you eat now but in moderation. It does require effort, but it required effort to put the weight on in the first place. This is totally "doable", and sustainable and its a great site full of wonderful support!
  • shazzc88
    Its not all about being thin, i don't want to be thin I want to be and look healthy. I want to be able to run around with my children without getting too tired or out of breath, I want to have fun and be happy with myself.

    I know its a life style change and that the part that I struggle with because it scares me thinking this has to be forever basically.

    I get serious about it, all my friends say they'll do it with me and slowly they disappear which is why I'm starting it on my own because as they go I start getting nervous on doing it myself.

    Its having the down/bad day where you eat something naughty and then I don't seem the be able to forgive myself for eating that and end up eating more the next day and then I'm back to the beginning again.

    I have a few friends who have been on here, I've never done the message side always just the diary, and they've said that the friendly help and support from people has helped them a lot so i thought Id give it a try.
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    How fun and totally doable by 2016! :) It is possible to get control of those down days too. Don't give up -- keep at it everyday. Feel free to add me.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Its not all about being thin, i don't want to be thin I want to be and look healthy. I want to be able to run around with my children without getting too tired or out of breath, I want to have fun and be happy with myself.

    I know its a life style change and that the part that I struggle with because it scares me thinking this has to be forever basically.

    It sounds like you have the right attitude and the will. Part of this is teaching yourself that a healthier lifestyle really isn't that burdensome, so it's not something you will have to endure forever (why I think so many people end up quitting), but is something that you can come to enjoy more than your current habits. And you don't have to give up foods you love, etc., but can figure out how to fit them in in a way that works for you and your calorie goals, and hopefully find ways of being active that you love.

    Personally, I find that eating healthy and lower calorie and being active all go together--when I'm focusing on fitness goals and not just weight loss I find it much easier to stick to overall. Everything works together. But if it's easier for you to take baby steps and work on one piece at a time that's a good approach too.
    I get serious about it, all my friends say they'll do it with me and slowly they disappear which is why I'm starting it on my own because as they go I start getting nervous on doing it myself.

    I do think community helps. When I did this once before I had several friends into the same things, and it helped. After I fell out and regained after maintaining for some years (boring story), I couldn't seem to stay back on a plan, even though I was trying to do what I'd done before, and I finally realized that part of it was missing the community. So I found it again through MFP. I think being able to interact here and having a community has helped me stay really into it, over what seemed would be a very long time (it's seemed to go fast so far, though--time really does past quickly and you realize you are down quite a lot, when it seems at first it will take forever).
    Its having the down/bad day where you eat something naughty and then I don't seem the be able to forgive myself for eating that and end up eating more the next day and then I'm back to the beginning again.

    Yes, smart of you to know this is something to work on. The all or nothing and the shame things really make it tougher. MFP with its forgiving approach (calories, not all or nothing, just a matter of how fast you lose in any particular period of time) helps a lot, as does forgiving yourself and not getting food and guilt all tied together. It's a matter of being practical about it, not being good or bad. As an emotional eater myself, I also found things like journaling to get a better handle on when I wanted to eat and why and to work through some of the issues extremely helpful, and sometimes just venting to friends can help.
  • shazzc88
    Sorry, been a bad time again. Thank you for your helpful words! Im trying the 'I can do this' mentality. Wish me luck! Still looking for more friends to keep me on track :) xx
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    When you really want it and are really ready, you'll do it. :) I found all the fads backfired eventually and left me 90 lbs. heavier than I wanted to be. Now I'm just calorie restricting in a reasonable way (meaning a reasonable but not insane deficit), eating a variety of foods and keeping my protein higher and my carbs lower, but overall, eating foods I really LIKE, really enjoy, and this time, it's working.

    I will be thinking of ya. I have been there...over and over, for so many years. If you want to add me as a friend, please feel free and I will cheer you on.