winram11 Member


  • Don't do it. It's a trap. :)
  • Wisdom, right here.
  • I was diagnosed with AS when I was 23, and had a hip replacement as a result of incredible pain and calcification of my right hip. The surgery for that was 18 years ago! I have "survived" since then on NSAIDs but they have largely just helped the symptoms not the causes. Because I was largely sedentary, I never really…
  • Bacon ranch salad with crispy chicken, skip the dressing, ~400 calories, yum yum.
  • Don't eat back your exercise calories until you have a solid analysis of how well you're losing weight, then you can always work back from there. Lots of people don't measure food, don't get those calories right, or exercise calories right. It's just hard to be precise. Lose weight first, establish a habit and pattern,…
  • I'll go a step further than what is stated above (all good points): Don't eat back calories. Measure, weigh, portion control all you eat, then exercise, but if you're on MFP - which you clearly are - don't fall into that trap of eating back what it presumes you burnt in calories via exercise. It's not as simple as…
  • Don't ever do cheat days. Log everything. If anything, indulge yourself for a meal or even a dish. Losing weight or gaining muscle is a lifestyle change. It's not something you can turn on and off for a day. I can have a "cheat" meal that can set me back for days on a weight loss goal. Also to the points elsewhere in this…
  • I used to think that soda was evil. In short, I don't now. I mean, it is bad for you if you have the normal, non-diet versions, because the sugars are ridiculous. However, I've got a diet dr pepper problem. I cut it out entirely when I started my "new me" a year or so ago, and lost a lot of weight, and considered that the…
  • I consider the treadmill to be a cardio machine where weight loss is kind of incidental. If I were to recommend, I would say that you should aim for a heart rate that you maintain for 30-60 minutes, and not even focus on calories. Then get a good video to watch and forget about what you're doing. :) There really is no…
  • If you're eating too few calories and still not losing weight, the problem is elsewhere. For example, sugars, sodium, etc all contribute heavily to how your body reacts to either water or fat burning. I've spent the last year pretty much on near "too-few" calories (1200-1500 or so) with a very low sodium content and nearly…
  • As stated before, there's no golden hour that's good for exercise. ANY exercise is better than NO exercise, so anything you do, at any time, is good. The real struggle is to find some time that works for your personal schedule. For example, if you're not an early riser, the idea of waking up early to squeeze in some…
  • I would like some reference substantiating this claim please. While I can admit there is a lot of pseudo-science out there, there are studies that show there is a response. Diet sodas may have zero calories but if the body…