

  • What an AWESOME POST! Congratulations!!! Big Hug!!
  • Hello! Saw your post. I am 5'2" also. Though still in the process of losing weight, I started at 140 and am now down to 115. (I read the book Eat to Live. It's life-changing, really.) Here is a good link for calculating your ideal weight. http://www.halls.md/ideal-weight/body.htm Be well! Jilly
  • Breakfast suggestions... I love fruit smoothies with soy milk OR coconut water. I cut out Milk because I found that the Lactose (the natural sugar found in Milk) was making me very hungry after only a few hours. Add some ground Flax Seeds for Omega 3 fats. I use the Magic Bullet to make them. Here are some fun breakfast…
  • Hi! I was having the same issue. Then I read the book Eat To Live by Dr. Joel Furhman. It was kind of difficult at first, but I realized that it was the actual foods I was choosing to eat that was keeping the weight on. Some thing to watch out for... ~Check your salt intake. Is it high? (More than 500 mg a day?) if so, you…