

  • Thanks. I've added the sodium tracker. Good luck to me in figuring out how to be under 1500 mg
  • Yeah considering i work from home, i should be able to swap out the Lean cuisine's for a sandwich or a salad. It is just so much easier to warm one of those up instead of making something.
  • I haven't began any weight training yet. I want to get in better cardiovascular shape before I start lifting. Once i do start hitting the weight I plan on adding a protein shake to my morning routine, plus another shake once after my lifting routine. I plan on lifting two days per week. Day one I would work out my chest…
  • I'm having the same issue. I'm eating 3 solid meals plus several snacks, but somehow still find myselft around 1300 to 1600 calories. On the days I excersise i burn 300 or so calories and the calorie counter says I should have more. I don't feel tired or hungry. Am I doing this right???
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