

  • I lost 5 lbs during induction even with a few "cheat" days!!! I'm still in induction and plan on moving to the next phase once I reach 137lbs. I'm currently 145 lbs and my goal is 130lbs.
  • If you look at the Atkins diet, it allows whole grain carbs & fruits!!! Hellloooo? Some people are ridiculous. There's so many misunderstandings about the diet with people thinking induction phase is the whole program.
  • Have you tried the book "A Course in Weight Loss" by Marianne Williamson? I have the same problem as well. That book has helped a little bit. But I'm also trying to find other ways out of my emotional/boredom eating and binges. Also, I've found out that I usually binge when I cut down my calories too low so have tried to…
  • Natural sources of nutrients are better than these manufactured ones but one thing great about them is convenience. I'd advice to only consume them as last resort if there's nothing else around to eat. A lot of people now are on a "If you can't catch it or grow it, don't eat it!" craze which I think is a good approach to…
  • Go for it! I've seen many overweight fitness instructors & trainers who are great & a lot of them have reached a healthier weight over time!
  • I agree! Those last few lbs seem so hard to get rid of. I'm trying to make my workouts more challenging for my body to readjust to it & to continue not overeating,
  • When working out, I try to remember I'm not exercising to "punish" myself, I want to do it because God MADE my body to move! I also like to think that way with eating, knowing God made fresh fruits, veggies, grains, & healthy sources of protein for me! Lets love ourselves & take care of ourselves... It unfortunate we're so…
  • Oh I know how that goes! I have a pear shape myself & have the same exact problem. I usually try to find really stretchy denim or I hem the waist myself to fit me.