LSJepson Member


  • Hey mate, I am a 4th year university student who's actually lost weight through uni, but before uni I got a lot of comments because I used to be really fat. It made me really angry inside but I didn't fly off the handle, just kept it in which honestly did more damage than good. People never taught me good nutrition and…
  • Hi again :) I ate more food yesterday (actually I ate TOO MUCH food yesterday, a friend had a take-away night) and I took my multivitamins after dinner yesterday. I've been up for an hour and a half now, I have only had a cup of tea and I don't feel sick :D I also took the green tea extract out of my diet. I will add that…
  • Hello :) Thank you for coming back and asking. Yesterday morning I felt a little bit sick - not to the point where I thought I would be sick, just a bit queezy. As soon as I ate I was fine, and I had my multivitamin after dinner. I was fine for the rest of the day bar a small headache (not sure if the headache is related…
  • I will do :) Thank you
  • Yes I can definitely do that :) I usually have two weetabix with semiskimmed milk and a bit of honey for breakfast, I will just eat earlier and take the multivitamins a bit after that. Thanks a lot for your advice.
  • There's a decent amount of evidence showing green tea extract can help with weight loss, but outside of that it's also very good for you in general. However I don't think it's the extract that's causing the nausea as it started before I started using it. Thank you for your suggestion.
  • By feeling sick I mean I feel nauseous, and in the past week I have actually been sick twice. However this has always been on an empty stomach and only once in the morning. After I have eaten I feel fine, so perhaps it is something to do with blood sugar. In addition to feeling sick I also feel quite headachey, tired/faint.
  • Ah right I see, thank you for explanation and advice :D I doubt I am pregnant, I will be one unlucky person if I am. It's not even been a month since my last period, so it's a bit too early to be considering that I think. I'll get more veg in my diet than. I have spinach, peas and green peas in the feezer so I'll just put…
  • How would being pregnant explain feeling better after eating and then not feeling sick for the rest of the day? Wouldn't that point to it being more of a dietary issue?
  • Could you explain to me the difference between having multivitamins and veg?
  • Hi, thanks a lot for the advice, really appreciate it :) I'll eat more the next few days and see if I feel better.
  • Hi Netmegoro, Thank you for your response. You know you might be right - I often just take my multivitamins as soon as I'm up and awake so perhaps that's the issue. I will make sure to eat them after breakfast now! I'm not sure what counts as a lot of caffeinated products. I might have 1-2 cups of coffee a day, and the…
  • Hi Karen :) Thank you for your advice. I don't think it's the protein as I've been having that for about a month now and I've only started feeling iffy recently, but I will mention that I am taking it when I go to the GP. Unless I'm very unlucky there's very little chance I'm pregnant, but I will prepare myself for that…