KrysiaCA Member


  • Thanks for the information JLT! How long did it take for you to see progress? Is this treadmill running or outdoors? Are you advising to work out on an empty stomach and eat straight after?
  • Hey don't be hard on yourself, these things happen. At least look at the bright side, you've lost the weight before so you can lose it again!
  • I now log daily (as of today properly!) feel free to add me! I am trying to lose 40lbs.
  • Hello All, Sorry for the slow responses. Thank you for your advice. I realised the reason I was starving according to the Scooby calculator because my BMR is like 1522 and my TDEE is 2093, which explains everything. I am now following the Scooby calculator (which seems more realistic) and taking in 1674 calories per day to…
  • Hi guys, Thank you for all the responses. I will start using my diary and open it (at present there's nothing there as I was using another app to track my eating) I am 5"2 and 74 kilos. With a waist of 34 inches (I use to be 26-28 so this is a big jump). Thank you for the scooby link. It gives me 1522 calories for the day,…