

  • I have it and I like it a lot. Since buying it I have made it a regular thing to weigh myself after I wake up. One strange thing -- my weight has gone down but my BMI is going up. Why is that? I am doing strength training in addition to cardio. The site that Skydaver mentioned is very interesting. Be…
  • After this discussion I couldn't resist getting one. After it arrived, my wife said: "Why do you need this? Just weigh yourself every day and text me -- I'll track it on a spreadsheet!" LOL. We'll see how it goes, but it was easy to setup and it recognized the two of us without any problem. I wonder what happens if 2…
  • Hi Melissa, I've been on MFP for a while but never joined with any friends here until 2-3 weeks ago. I realized I could reach out on the message boards as you are doing now. Adding friends both here and on FitBit have really helped my motivation and hopefully it works for you, too!
  • I always heard that you should weigh yourself on a scale at the same time everyday. When I some reviews of the Aria, I saw people taking their weight measurements several times a day - it would fluctuate. But over time the weight pattern would go down if they were taking care of themselves. Same thing was true about BMI in…
  • I am a Fitbit user too, also looking for friends to join up with and get more active with MyFitnessPal. I have used this site before but I am a lapsed user. My fitbit profile page is this: