

  • I'll have a glass of wine once in a while (maybe one every other week) which I've been able to find by doing a search. Maybe once a month, my husband will make us both a sidecar - I entered the components in as a recipe and I was able to get the total calories that way. It works pretty slick. I also don't drink energy…
  • Your parents will probably have an opinion (and will tell you) about it whether or not you are living with them. Do you plan on never eating with them again? Might as well get it over with. If you want to do this for you, they maybe won't like it, but will hopefully understand. I was once a vegetarian (did it for about 2…
  •, really, you just need to write anything because you're not so much bumping as you are storing Anyway, thanks to the OP for this and good luck to you!
  • "bumping" is a way to reactivate an old thread by bringing it back up to the top. There's really no reason to "bump" a thread right after it's been written, so maybe in this case people mean "thumbs-up"??
  • Everyone's numbers are different and everyone's medical issues are different. No one here can really tell you whether or not it's OK for you. The numbers sound "fine" to me, but I'm assuming you are young and healthy. Bring it up at your next MD visit.
  • I'm not a MD, but I am a RN and I would echo the above. :) Unless you are feeling lightheaded or dizzy, this is not a blood pressure or heart rate that would require treatment. Go see your MD if you are concerned.