KayakAngel Member


  • I love the ocean, and I have 2 places I have to visit before I die. * Sea kayaking/camping on a multi-day trip off the Washington coast around the San Juan Islands with the orcas * Sea kayaking off the coast of Ireland - I hear there is a famous kayaking spot with beautiful water, and if you kayak there at night, there are…
  • Yeah, they tend to do that. It can be gross, but it generally means they're happy.
  • <--- sort of look like Catwoman in my wetsuit - does that count?
  • I'm a vegetarian, and I started to have some nasty bouts of anxiety and some depression. I still eat eggs and dairy, so I didn't worry too much about B12. But my father-in-law (doctor of internal medicine and, more recently, a psychiatrist) told me the anxiety was likely diet-related. He recommended methyl B12 tablets, and…
  • nangel4u - something to show off those great curves. Maybe a sorceress queen in a tight black dress!
  • Yes, I'm into kayaking. Obsessed, actually. I took a kayak lesson in June 2010, bought a kayak, and have been on the water every chance I get ever since. My son and I have taken a kayak/camping trip in June for the last 2 years on the French Broad River in North Carolina, paddling past the Biltmore in Asheville on day 5.…
  • Two of my coworkers talk in baby talk to each other - seriously. Grown *kitten* women, both of them. Yes, Pandora and earphones is my defense too.
  • You wake up naked in your bed with fuzzy teeth and massive hangover, your wet clothes in an unfamiliar shopping bag, with vague memories of the cops driving you home after arresting the guy who had been driving you, and then later see pics of yourself from the party wearing clothes that you don't even recognize. But you're…
  • I'm a vegetarian, a nature girl, and I've never used color. I won't say I never will, because if I went gray in a weird way, I'd correct it. But for now, I plan to get to my ideal weight, be very fit, and make gray hair look GOOD. I kind of like the way it looks silver in the sunlight.
  • I love your pic. You have beautiful hair and wonderful skin!
  • My pic changes with my mood. But if this one affects perceptions, good. I'm a strong Southern woman in no mood for argument. I wish I could post it on my office door too.
  • Seems overwhelming, but you just take it day by day. Those lost pounds slowly pile up to a nice total! I've been around for over a year and have been successful, but I'm still trying new activities and hoping to lose the last 10 or 20 pounds. I'm a vegetarian too, and we're nearly the same age. Sending friend request...
  • I've been a manager in a corporate environment for a long time. Don't wear the black polish. Everyone looks good on their resume, and everyone has great references, so I'm looking for a reason to eliminate you. I'm not saying black polish would be a solid reason to toss your resume, but I want to see that if the occasion…
  • I LOVE to roast fennel with potatoes, onions, and any other root vegetables. A little olive oil and sea salt and they're ready to roast. I usually eat them served over some quinoa, and it makes a whole meal.
  • I love Guinness. Even though it looks heavy, it's only 126 calories for a 12oz glass.
    in Beer Comment by KayakAngel July 2012
  • Random compliments are good. Random neck and shoulder massages are awesome. Random full-body hugs rock. But then some weirdos have these "personal space" issues???
  • If the wedding is formal and at night, I think wearing a little black dress is totally appropriate, but you might feel more comfortable wearing a shawl or shrug with it, as other posters have mentioned. You do look really good in the second one, though it is less dressy.
  • I love a drink - beer, wine, bourbon. I'm the Queen of the One Drink. And I LOVE that one drink. That's my compromise to meet my goals.
    in Alcohol Comment by KayakAngel July 2012
  • I have been veggie for just over a year now, and I started experiencing problems with anxiety a few months ago. My father-in-law, a psychiatrist specializing in addictions and anxiety, told me that I'm probably not getting enough B12, even though I still eat some eggs and milk. He also recommended L-tryptophan to help with…
  • While I think that most experiences that people ascribe to ghosts can be naturally explained (electromagnetic fields can make you feel "watched" and even touched), yes, I do believe in ghosts. I've had experiences myself, and my son saw and described a ghost (the "pink man") in a historic home in Columbia, TN when he was…
  • This is true. But when I drink plain water, my clothes tend to fall off less.
  • Nice intro! Not sure what I want mine to say, but it should definitely mention my nice abs and great *kitten*, or maybe that should be in bold in my obituary. Need to think about that one. Sending FR...
  • One thing that worked for me was cutting a small orange/tangerine into four slices each day and adding one slice each time I filled my 16oz glass with water. By the end of the day, I'd make sure to have used all four to get 64oz of water in. Now I'm used to drinking more water, I just add a splash of fruit juice each time,…
  • Spinach wrap filled with quinoa, hummus, spinach, avocado, red pepper, and cucumber. All good stuff :)
  • That's good advice. Craigslist is a great place to scout prices on-line if you're flexible in what you want. That's where I bought my Jackson hybrid this year (for whitewater and flatwater) - got it for about half price. I got my paddle for half price at REI during a really great sale.
  • I live for kayaking - I'm kind of one-dimentional that way. What you buy depends on what you want to do. Shorter boats are great on rivers, and longer boats (12ft or longer) are best for lakes, though the short boats definitely give you a better workout on a lake! I personally love the Perception Rhythm 11 as a great…
  • I want to compete in a kayak race. There is a canoe and kayak race on the Mississippi River in Memphis that just happend this weekend, but I found out about it too late. Gotta do that next year, and search for others.
  • I've been around MFP for about a year and have been successful, but now I'm just trying to push harder to take off the last 20 pounds. I get most of my exercise from kayaking and P90X workouts, but I'm ready to start running again, too. Friend request sent.
  • A gasp and a "wow" are the best. I don't like "sexy" because there's obviously an agenda attached to that one - might as well politely ask to bang me. Oh, and "You look strong" or similar variation will make my day and my whole freakin week.
  • I did the Zombie Buffet 5K in Nashville last October. This year, they're doing it in Nashville, Cleveland, Phoenix and Jacksonville FL. It is a really fun race, perfect for a first time runner. I highly recommend it to everyone motivated by the coming apocalypse!