emklsu Member


  • Try going gluten free. Gluten intolerance/sensitivity and Hashi's can be correlated. No matter how few calories I get and how much I exercise, I cannot lose weight if I'm eating gluten (plus, my thyroid swells to a goiter and I feel like crap.). I'm on Armour and the combo of that and gluten free finally has me losing…
  • I'm struggling with getting this right now, too. My son just turned 2, and nurses about 3 times a day. The morning nurse lasts like an hour, though. I am putting in -200 calories, but my weight is not coming off... It actually went up the first week, and now is going back down. I'm wondering if I'm adding too many calories…
  • I'm a single mom, as well, and it's hard to squeeze exercise in! Sometimes, now that it's light out for awhile, I take my son on walks- we don't go super fast, or too far, but it is moving and burning calories! Also, when I watch him play, instead of just sitting or standing there, I do things like jumping jacks, running…
  • Try adding a smoothie. You can blend it and put it in an insulated thermos and take it around on you, sipping whenever. You can use fruits and veggies, combined with things like full-fat yogurt, full-fat milk, protein powder, etc. Healthy calories. I know it's hard to see past the short term in weight loss, but you need to…