Not consuming enough calories?

Over the last month I've been using exercise as a way to release tension/stress/anger and clear my head. I wanted to find a healthy way to just, help me cope with stressful situations etc. Which is great and it's working to help me reach my weight loss goals as well.

However I'm not consuming enough calories. I track the things I eat, but it's not enough. I eat when I'm hungry and drink when I'm thirsty. But I'm not eating enough? It's tough because I don't want to force myself to eat if I'm not hungry and I don't want to mindlessly eat just because I have to (those things are what got me to gain weight to begin with).

Is this something to be alarmed about? I have a full time and part time job and between that and working out 5-6 days a week I am pretty busy. My tracker usually says that I need to eat about 700-800 more calories to "stay on track." Any suggestions about how to better meet my caloric goals without forcing myself to eat food? I'm worried that this might cause my awesome weight loss streak to stop!



  • Jesslane93
    Jesslane93 Posts: 190 Member
    You could try eating some higher calorie foods when you do eat. And use oils when cooker, and drink full fat milk, and cream instead of lite stuff. Little things like that might help get the calorie intake higher.
  • SmileSunshine1104
    Thanks, I will try that. The full fat milk thing isn't going to happen, just because I'm not a fan of the taste but I can try to add some higher calorie items into my cooking and such. It' just hard because I don't want to start eating "crap food" again because I've worked so hard to make healthier choices. Like snacking on things like berries or seeds instead of chips and candy. It's a bit of a slippery slope for me, so I'm slightly apprehensive.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Full fat dairy, avocado, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, bananas, oatmeal, peanut butter... or just have something you really fancy but consider 'unhealthy' to pull your calories up. Nothing wrong with a bowl of ice cream.
  • BeginningAgainMay14
    BeginningAgainMay14 Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks, I will try that. The full fat milk thing isn't going to happen, just because I'm not a fan of the taste but I can try to add some higher calorie items into my cooking and such. It' just hard because I don't want to start eating "crap food" again because I've worked so hard to make healthier choices. Like snacking on things like berries or seeds instead of chips and candy. It's a bit of a slippery slope for me, so I'm slightly apprehensive.

    I'm not an expert by any means, but there are plenty of high calorie foods that are healthy. You don't mention your dietary guidelines but personally, I consider eggs, avocados, nuts (as long as they aren't sweetened, like honey roasted peanuts or otherwise over processed) , peanut butter, almond butter, coconut milk, dairy milk, and olive oil extremely healthy. There are also foods that can add some calories that aren't "junk" that are more neutral, like full fat cheese or dried fruit, for example. If I had 700 extra magical calories all of a sudden, I would spread brie on my pears, slice some cheddar with my apples, toss gorgonzola into my salads, and sprinkle parmesan on everything from asparagus to zucchini. I've even stirred parmesan into my oatmeal, for a risotto-like effect! And I would snack on dried apricots, hardboiled eggs, celery with peanut butter, toasted almonds and pecans... Then for dinner I would make this:

    ...and drink the Riesling they recommend with it!

    Just some thoughts! I do think it's important that you try to get closer to your goal, it's not going to kill you to be somewhat under it, but 700 calories under is a lot. At that point I'd be worried that it's affecting me in ways I'm not aware of (for example, I find it difficult to think as clearly if I've gone a while without eating,) especially if I were as busy as you sound like you are.
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    I've been having a similar problem, as well as not getting enough protein, so I'm looking into eating a protein bar after working out. I'm a vegan, so this will really help with my protein consumption.

    I like these:
    Really good and all natural :)
    A better photo is here, but it's cheaper on their website:'s+muscle+brownie
    Nutritional information is in MFP

    I'm also going to start drinking a raw chia seed shake with lots of superfoods in it.

    That, plus what I normally eat, should get me to where I need to be calorie and protein wise
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Over the last month I've been using exercise as a way to release tension/stress/anger and clear my head. I wanted to find a healthy way to just, help me cope with stressful situations etc. Which is great and it's working to help me reach my weight loss goals as well.

    However I'm not consuming enough calories. I track the things I eat, but it's not enough. I eat when I'm hungry and drink when I'm thirsty. But I'm not eating enough? It's tough because I don't want to force myself to eat if I'm not hungry and I don't want to mindlessly eat just because I have to (those things are what got me to gain weight to begin with).

    Is this something to be alarmed about? I have a full time and part time job and between that and working out 5-6 days a week I am pretty busy. My tracker usually says that I need to eat about 700-800 more calories to "stay on track." Any suggestions about how to better meet my caloric goals without forcing myself to eat food? I'm worried that this might cause my awesome weight loss streak to stop!


    If you're logging accurately and completely then you are woefully short on calories. One day in the past week reaching 1,000 calories consumed? One other day over 800 calories? Those are gross numbers, not net. The majority of your days over the past week are under 700 gross calories logged ... some with exercise with last Wednesday close to a net negative intake.

    After skimming a week of your diary stating you are not consuming enough is an understatement.
  • SmileSunshine1104
    It's true, I am logging absolutely everything I eat. A lot of the times I plan on eating much more but end up not eating as much. A lot of my food diary has me eating 1/2 servings of things because I prepare to eat full servings but I stop when I am no longer hungry. Its wasteful but again I don't want to force myself.

    Sometimes in times of high stress or depression I tend to not eat much of anything, so I am trying hard not to do that. All of the suggestions are good but even if I try adding more high caloric foods I still run the risk of not eating all of it anyway.

    Its tough no matter what, hopefully it'll get better. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    ice cream+ oreo's

    problems solved.
  • emklsu
    emklsu Posts: 4 Member
    Try adding a smoothie. You can blend it and put it in an insulated thermos and take it around on you, sipping whenever. You can use fruits and veggies, combined with things like full-fat yogurt, full-fat milk, protein powder, etc. Healthy calories. I know it's hard to see past the short term in weight loss, but you need to try. Your body is in starvation mode. While getting enough calories might slow your weight loss down a bit in the short term, if you continue in starvation mode, you'll damage your metabolism permanently, and in the long run make it harder to lose or maintain your weight for the rest of your life!
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Funnily enough, I just posted something similar to this.

    For some reason, when I relax off my healthy eating and exercise, and eat more "junk" and such, I start to lose weight.

    The human body is a complex thing!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Peanut Butter, Nuts, avocados, olive oil, yogurt.
  • MrsTits
    MrsTits Posts: 44 Member
    If you use "light" versions of things...such as butter/cheese/sweetener then switch to full fat versions...nuts are good for energy and have a lot of cals, so adding a handful would help increase cals and they're good for you. Oil instead of light spray when cooking, fruit or fruit juice, cereal bars, perhaps even slightly larger portions of stuff. Lots of ways of doing it without eating unhealthy per say. It's a good idea to stick to near your cal target, especially when exercising, as you lose weight your target will decrease and if you're not eating at it, eventually you'll have nothing to decrease to, if that makes sense (it does in my head, lol).
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    One of the side affects of being chronically underfed is a suppressed appetite. It's a dangerous cycle of underfeeding because you don't "feel" like eating because you're underfed which is what this sounds like. Anyway, just something to think of the next time you know you need a nutritious meal and stop half-way through because you "feel" satiated.

    If it goes on beyond the three-week mark and you still can't get your calories in, see a doctor; you'll need a chem and hormonal panel done to see if anything else is going on (and/or if your low calories are causing medical issues).
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    It's true, I am logging absolutely everything I eat. A lot of the times I plan on eating much more but end up not eating as much. A lot of my food diary has me eating 1/2 servings of things because I prepare to eat full servings but I stop when I am no longer hungry. Its wasteful but again I don't want to force myself.

    Sometimes in times of high stress or depression I tend to not eat much of anything, so I am trying hard not to do that. All of the suggestions are good but even if I try adding more high caloric foods I still run the risk of not eating all of it anyway.

    Its tough no matter what, hopefully it'll get better. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone.

    Time for help. See a doctor.