courtx3 Member


  • Welcome and good luck. :)
  • Im the same way, speaking of which I just downed a plate of spaghetti. But I think if you eat whole wheat noodles, and eat it sparingly, you should do just fine. I LOVE PASTA, oh god, But I also stop myself by looking at the calories.
  • Lol I bet that was creepy!
    in Help. Comment by courtx3 May 2011
  • Yes, someone who understands finally. :) btw I am a size 11/13 I want to be a 7/9.
    in Help. Comment by courtx3 May 2011
  • Hi Danica, I am new here as well. My name is Courtney and I am trying to lose 30 pounds, maybe 50, just depends. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully we can support each other.