
courtx3 Posts: 8 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
:blushing: Hey guys.

I need some help in figuring things out. I am 5'8" and I am about 193 at the moment. But I DO NOT LOOK it. People think I am about 150 to 160 lbs. I have a question. Should I get down to 150? Because I don't want to look to skinny. I want to keep my curves. I am very hippy, along with butt and thighs, I guess I am defined as a true hour glass, I barely carry any weight in my tummy. Please help, because when I weighed 170 people thought I shouldn't lose anymore weight. Any other women suffer from this?


  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I totally understand what you're saying and people are the same way with me. No one believes the weight I am. At 150lb people were telling me I was gettingto be too skinny. I'm also very hippy, ad also 5'8. I wasn't too skinny, they just werent used to seeing me thinand I lose a lot of weight in my face which didn't help.

    Shootfor being comfortable with you and dont worry about the number :)
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    You could ask your doctor what weight is healthy for you. There's also charts on the web that tell you about what you should weigh at different heights but I'm not sure if they're correct. There's probably other girls that could give you some input on this.
  • courtx3
    courtx3 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, someone who understands finally. :) btw I am a size 11/13 I want to be a 7/9.
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    Whoa!! I just posted and your pic was you with your back to us and then as I scrolled up the page.......pow! you're lookin' at us now.
  • courtx3
    courtx3 Posts: 8 Member
    Lol I bet that was creepy!
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