ninaisaac Member


  • Hi there! I also had a baby 6 1/2 months ago. She's baby #3 and was a BIG surprise to us seeing that older brother and sister are 14 & 12! I lost 50 lbs over 4 years ago and all of it is back now. We have a quinceanera, sweet 15, for our oldest daughter in a year and my goal is to lose at least 75 lbs in that time. I'm…
  • OH my gosh...I am sitting here tonight telling myself over and over "You are not are bored". I think I must've drank about a gallon of iced lemon water trying to get this "itch" to go away. Thank you for this post. It's given me a little more oomph for my fight tonight.
  • I just gave up Diet Coke, only because I'm trying to kick the caffeine. I was consuming WAY too much caffeine each day. I've noticed that I've been drinking so much more water which also helps suppress my appetite. I don't really miss it.
  • Thanks. All great suggestions. Think I'll try stretching a little more next time & def look into buying some arches.
  • Try instant oatmeal. I like the plain with a packet of splenda and a handful of raisins. I usually eat breakfast around 7:30 am & that keeps me pretty full until about 10:30 am - 11:00 am. It's about 150 calories for 1 packet of instant oatmeal & a tbsp of raisins. Eggs in the morning is also a good choice. Try the Hungy…
  • LOVE that idea. I am going to try that.
  • Good for you! That will be me one day! :smile: