

  • I've read articles that say that diet is actually MORE effective for weight control than exercise alone. That said, a 50 minute brisk walk a day is exercise. I'd look to your diet. Target 1-2 pounds per week and hang in there! Make sure that you weigh first thing in the morning when you weigh. Most folks say to weigh once…
  • I flavor my oatmeal with a half tablespoon of sugar-free fake maple syrup. Works for me.
  • The bottom line is to be under net calorie budget. Net calorie budget is gross calorie intake minus that burned in exercise. With that said, being vegetarian and consistently under running protein intake could be costing you lean muscle mass. Lean muscle mass is, essentially, your metabolism. The more you have, the more…
    in Protein Comment by GregJennings May 2011
  • Egg white, boneless, skinless chicken breast, tuna (must minimize mayo!). BTW, if you look at it, the MRPs are not expensive compared to eating at Subway or similar. One per day would give you a really significant boost in your protein intake.
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