celtzcastle Member


  • Given that you have prediabetes, I'm surprised you're not on Metformin already. It treats both problems (PCOS and prediabetes) because insulin resistance is involved in both. As my doctor explained, treating PCOS with Metformin is like treating the cause, while birth control just shuts down the ovaries and spironolactone…
  • I have PCOS. Metformin seems to be working for me, finally. I was diagnosed at the age of 19 with both prediabetes and PCOS. I was put on Metformin, Yasmin (birth control), and spironolactone (100 mg). Also I went through two courses of Accutane for my severe acne. Over the past ten years I've tried going off Yasmin to see…
  • Yes, make sure to get the extended release. That will minimize the side effects. Also being on it longer will help because your intestines will get used to it. I've been on it for ten years and don't notice any side effects now. When I was diagnosed I was underweight and had severe acne and moderate hirsutism, and had not…
  • Actually if there were a food shortage then the fattest would survive. Maybe being both fat and very fit would be optimal in such a situation :)
  • I thought that distribution of fat is determined by hormones and genetics. Can weight training cause a large enough shift in hormones that the fat will redistribute? I would love to have some more fat on my ribs, back, and chest.
  • I really do have a lot of fat on my thighs and butt. It's like I have two bodies stuck together--a skinny top half and a large bottom half. It is hard to buy a dress that fits because my top half is a 0-2 and my bottom half is an 6-10 (depending on brand and line). If my fat were distributed more evenly I would not be…
  • Thanks for your response. I do not use caffeine, so that is not causing my symptoms. I was considering using it to bring my blood pressure up, but it would likely make my insomnia worse so I won't go that route. I also have not been over-exercising; on Tuesday I stopped exercise 10 minutes in due to feeling awful, and…
  • Thanks everyone; I did suspect I shouldn't be feeling that way from such a minor Calorie deficit. I actually have a yearly checkup on Monday, and will make sure to get my thyroid, free carnitine, iron/hemoglobin, A1C, etc. tested. The doctor ordered some blood tests last year, just to ensure everything is stable, but I…