Mom of Two With Unique Motivation

MnbtMthr Posts: 5 Member
What's my motivation?
Potential apocalypse.
Hear me out - have you ever watched a post-apocalyptic movie or tv show? Like... Mad Max, The 100, Jericho, Battlestar Galactica...
Think about the people you see in them. The 100 was my moment of revelation - the people who survive, none of them are fat. Some of the girls are pleasantly curvy, but let's be real - to survive an apocalypse, you have to be able to haul *kitten* through terrible terrain, climb and lift and SURVIVE.
So I was watching The 100, and I thought "would I survive something like this?"
And then since I'm a mom - I thought, if I didn't survive, would my kids?"
Moments later I was signing up for MyFitnessPal.
That was in March and since then I'm well on my way to my goals! I'd love to have some friends on a similar journey :)


  • celtzcastle
    celtzcastle Posts: 9 Member
    Actually if there were a food shortage then the fattest would survive. Maybe being both fat and very fit would be optimal in such a situation :)