

  • I asked one of my biology professors that question a few years ago. I asked if it was safe to take water pills to help shed the extra water, because I had in the past... He said that was a very dangerous and pretty much lazy way to shed the water weight. He also said it was most likely the cause of me starting to hold…
  • This sounds exactly like what I have went through this year!? except I saw a hideous picture of myself in shorts and a tank top which urged me to push myself earlier this summer. Did awesome for a while, using MFP app, running, lifting-- then college courses started again, I was so wrapped up and stressed out with homework…
  • I just joined this application about a week ago & like a lot of you I am also looking for motivating friends too! this is so much better than writing everything down in a notebook and calculating it... I feel like I am actually going some where now!!! and I see the scale moving everyday! Woo hoo!!! Anyway I am also looking…
  • Another good one--as long as you're working out--there's a bar that's my favorite! its the Detour--Lean Muscle, Cookie dough caramel crisp. That also helps with my cookie dough cravings :) I would check out they have really good prices on their protein bars, compared to GNC anyway :)
  • I agree with this! I've been drinking water & a handful of almonds. Hope that helps?