Age: 28 Gender: female Married? in relationship Kids? 1 Goal weight: 160 Current weight: 215 Height: 5'4 Favorite exercise: stationary bike, circuit training dvd, yoga, Least favorite exercise: burpees Pets? None Calorie goal: 1600 Special dietary needs: How often do you work out? aiming for 5 days a week Current program…
January 22:happy:
welcome aboard lady !!
Thanks for posting your inspiring to keep at it :)
congrats to you and your fiance
Work it!! Great job!
WoW look at them guns. that is a transformation
Los Angeles Ca
Awesome results, hope i can get results like yours. Keep it up!!
great job
hi my baby is 8 months old and I put on a" little extra" after my pregnancy, oops
kudos :)