xStrawberryBubblegumx Member


  • Thanks for the advice! Just to clarify, I ran the half marathon last september, so I'm not running anymore now. To answer your questions:* My goal indeed is to lower my BF% and I'd like to loose a few pounds as well, but I know that BF% is more important. * I have no kids * I'm 23 years old * My foodlogging is indeed more…
  • Both times they used two methods: BIA and calipers. Both times measurements were taken in a fasted state. Last time I got 25% and 26%, this time I got 29% and 30%. So definitely an increase of about 4%. To me that seems crazy, since I'm working out 5x a week, that's a lot more than I have ever done before. And on top of…
  • Today I had my body composition measured by a professional in the hospital and it turns out that the last 10 lbs I gained were all fat! How the hell is that possible? In those three months that I gained those pounds, I worked out about 5 times a week. I thought that at least some part of the gain would be muscle, but it…
  • Yeah, I did the math before and judging by that, it can't be fat. Because since I upped to 2000 calories, I've been gaining on average 1 lb per week, so that would be a surplus of 500 calories per day. That implies that I would maintain on 1500, while running 200 mins (maximum) a week, strength training once or twice per…
  • Okay for sedentary, MFP gives me 1300 calories a day for 1 lb per week and 1550 for 0.5 lbs per week. But should't I correct for the fact that my RMR was tested at 1322 instead of the 1483 that MFP calculates based on my height, weight and age? Outside of work I'm also pretty sedentary. I only go to work by bicycle, which…
  • So you're saying I should eat my TDEE for sedentary (excluding workouts) and eat my exercise calories back? On most days, that would leave me less calories than now. Isn't that a problem then? Because I thought you said I'm way under and should eat more. But eating sedentary TDEE - 15% + running calories - 15% would give…
  • Well, I think I have more muscle mass now and I definitely have more muscle usage. So I'd say I should be eating more than back then. In the training, 210 min is about the max, that is one short run of 50 mins, one interval run of about 45 mins and the longest run now is 115 mins. The milage is decreasing now, because the…
  • I don't weigh my food, because I used to have an eating disorder and weighing would be a huge trigger for that. I do measure some stuff and from my ED times, I know how many calories are in all the things I eat (and that can't be way off, because then I couldn't have lost that much weight back then). I mean, the 2000…
  • I don't have a HRM. I only use an app on my phone to track my runs. I'm indeed working out way more than last time I ate this amount of calories. Back then, I did two gym sessions a week only. Now I do only one, but I do 3 half marathon trainings a week. Back then, my weight was stable at about 25 lbs less then my current…
  • Thank you so much again! The short run is not really intense. For some reason, the running is getting more difficult lately instead of easier. Usually my legs already feel heavy when I start running. Therefore, I can't seem to get faster, even if the run is short. I don't do anything in particular for recovery, apart from…
  • So it's been a while and I've gained even more weight. I'm now 145 lbs (5 ft 9). About two months ago, I started training for a half marathon, so I added three running workouts to my usual two gym workouts. I do one short run of about 45 mins, one interval training about 45 mins and one long run that is over 100 mins now…
  • I was not logging more accurately then and I wasn't eating healthier or whatever so that should not be the issue. I weigh myself almost daily, so that I see the overall trend, instead of the day to day fluctuations. Turns out the sudden 2.5 lbs weight gain was a fluctuation and I have lost 2 lbs of that by now. So from…
  • Thanks once again. Two days ago I suddenly gained 2 pounds overnight. I know rationally that this cannot be real, so I thought the day after it would be down again, but it was up another 0.5 lbs. Today it was down a little, so I hope this trend continues, because I cannot take it anymore. I am really depressed. My…
  • So for the last few days I've increased my intake by 250, like you suggested. My weight has gone up about 1.3 lbs in 6 days, so definitely faster than half a pound over one week. Should I still go through with it for another week? Is it possible that my weight does not go up anymore in the second week or even goes down?…
  • Thank you so much again!! I'm sorry it doesn't really make sense what I did, but that's because of my eating disorder. I am so afraid of gaining even more weight and even though I can rationally reason that it does not make sense to keep dropping calories and so on, my ED and fear always "win" this debate. The 3 lbs in 3…
  • Thanks for your post! I'm not an athlete, but I've been doing free weight training (deadlifts, squats, hammer curls, chest press, shoulder press etc) for 9 months now and it hasn't changed by bf% at all. Is that because my body is so messed up? I am not logging calories exactly, because I don't have a food scale, but I do…
  • Is it really RMR instead of BMR, even if I wan't allowed to eat or drink in 12 hours until the test and had to go to the hospital by car, instead of bike or on foot, to avoid moving to much? It could still be a little low due to my very low calorie diet and eating disorder a couple of years ago, but after that I ate a very…
  • Well, I don't have a food scale so I am just roughly guessing, but I did that a year ago as well, so it does not explain the big "calorie gap". First I thought that I might have eaten more healthy last year, but I checked my food log, and it turns out I actually ate more unhealthy stuff back then than nowadays. Number of…
  • I haven't taken my measurements, but I know I really got bigger. My shorts and pants don't fit anymore, my love handles are worse and I have a lot more upper inner thigh fat than before. So it is all real weight gain..