

  • Diet sodas and artificial sweeteners in general have the potential to make your body crave more sweets/sugar. When you're hungry, your body will crave sugar/carbohydrates, but when you consume an artificial sweetener as a response, your body is receiving chemicals that are molecularly similar to sucrose (sugar) but can't…
  • The Les Mills classes are great, I've been doing bodypump/bodycombat since march, and I've definitely seen an uptick in results compared to working out by myself. It just feels like you get more workout per time spent, because the instructors are pushing you.
  • 1. Understand portions, and log everything honestly in myfitnesspal 2. Mix in strength training to keep that metabolism ramped up 3. Do fun cardio to keep yourself motivated Side note: Remember to log your weight in myfitnesspal, so it updates your calorie requirements accordingly. Otherwise you'll be eating an amount off…
  • Try mixing in some strength training. Doing that much cardio is going to end up forcing your body to break down muscle in addition to fat, which isn't a good thing for your metabolism in the long run. I think if you do some high-repetition strength training (like the Les Mills Bodypump classes), you'll find that extra…