

  • Great job!! I started the program again this week (didn't finish the first time) but I'm determined to finish this time. Hope my results are as good as yours!
  • I'm in! I need something to get me motivated!
  • I just started a few days ago. I'm still on week 1. I did the Abs workout yesterday (5/12/14) so I'm not that far ahead of you. I need an accountability partner too cause I am STRUGGLING! But I love hard core workouts. Add me as a friend and we'll cuss out Shaun T together. LOL!
  • Hey Everyone! I think I posted on the first thread but not sure! LOL! But really need friends on here for motivation and accountability. This weight is off for good this time! :)
  • I understand. I'm an emotional eater too. Your a lot like me in that I'm not new to MFP but never really reached out for motivation, help and accountability. I realize now I can't do it by myself and we shouldn't have to. Feel free to send friend request. I'm looking for accountability too! :)
  • I'm 5'10 size 10. SW: 210 CW: 177 GW: 165 I had gotten down to 165 about 5 years ago but no muscle whatsoever! This time around want to tone up and show off my toned size 8 in a two piece for my 35th Birthday! I'm introducing weight training (because I hate it!) by doing Supreme 90 day. I actually like the Supreme series…