

  • I have a Nuwave oven and I absolutely love it!! I have cooked several roasts , veggies, lamb & pork chops. etc. Read your books that come with it, and trust that chart that comes with it also. Roast have come out perfect every time!! My sister has one also. She likes popping in a roast with cut up potatoes placed on the…
  • It probably is a combination of no BM, reduced activity and reduced intake of water as well. You and all the girls that have replied are doing great by the way in your weight loss. I'm just starting out. I have 30 to 35 lbs to lose. Anyone willing to share what program you are following? I can use some suggestions. Thanks
  • Yes, I have and I still do! In 2004 I weighed in close to 300 lbs. at only 5 feet tall. I started walking 5 mins out, and 5 mins back. Adding time as I progressed. By the begining of 2006 I lost close to 100lbs. Over time I had worked up walking times up to 90 mins some days. But not every day. I since lost another 40 lbs.…