I gained...could it be that...

when I was sick I ended up taking 4 immodium. I haven't had a bowel movement since then. That was Friday. My gain was .4, so could that be why? Sorry if it's TMI!


  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    I don't know what immodium is or does, but not taking a bm for 3 days can definitely explain a .4 gain. I have taken some 2lb bm's before.. so just wait it out and weigh yourself again!
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    That is a distinct probability. I mean, think about how much food you've eaten since then...
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Yep! In fact, when you do go....you will most likely see a weight loss! Eat some prunes!
  • spritie
    spritie Posts: 167
    definatly could be the cause. If you haven't had a bm in the next 48hrs I'd consult a medical professional. It can be quite bad for you.
  • CWGirl1891
    It probably is a combination of no BM, reduced activity and reduced intake of water as well. You and all the girls that have replied are doing great by the way in your weight loss. I'm just starting out. I have 30 to 35 lbs to lose. Anyone willing to share what program you are following? I can use some suggestions. Thanks
  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    Thanks everyone! I hate taking Immodium, but when EVERYTHING goes right through you, you have to do something.

    As for a program, there is no program, unless you consider this website a program. I track everything I eat and track what I burn during exercise. For me, if I don't log my food, it won't work. Eat right, exercise daily (if you can) and relax. The weight will come off eventually!

    Thanks again for all the replies!