Never been there
Yes, not fun! HYE watched the stars from the back of a truck parked in a field?
I just stick with the original calories. I find it works the best for me.
Bunnies HYE swam in a pond at night?
Nope (had to google it) HYE ate a box of Twinkies in one sitting?
No HYE gave someone $5 to chew a locust shell?
Doing it right now HYE felt a fish go by while swimming?
That is cold!
I'm no help because I just got my Charge HR today. I am looking forward to hearing what others have to say though!
I have lost 80 lbs so far and I hope the Charge HR gives me the edge I need to continue making the fat cry like a baby! :) 70 lbs to go. //
Nope HYE camped out in an ice storm w/ a crappy tent?
Sounds fun, but no. HYE watched the stars from the bed of a 4x4 truck in the middle of a corn field?
Of course! HYE lied on a post to make it seem like you climbed a mountain?
Nope HYE went muddin in a 4x4?
I have entered two weight loss competitions in the past and the first one I just changed my diet and I came in third place and lost 40 lbs. The second one I exercised, worked out and changed my diet and came in second (lost 43lbs). (i gained the weight back after both competitions) You can loose weight both ways, but…
What did you buy when you went to the mall in Africa? Five emo midget ninjas drinking tea with their pinky fingers out!
Yep HYE been told you look like someone famous?
Wasn't getting married in Vegas stupid? Cream cheese, strawberries, and melted chocolate.
I pee in the yard cause I don't wanna use the bathroom! lol HYE stuffed more than one Twinkie in your mouth?
Yes HYE throat chopped a smurf with a carrot? :)
What I would fill your hand up with while you are sleeping and before I tickle your nose with a feather. Twinkies, M and Ms, sauerkraut, and bunny.
I have traveled near and far trying to discover the truth, but I remain conflicted in my own mind and destined to forever seek the truth...
A Twinkie deep fryer.
I thought that was you.... QUIT TALKIN BOUT CHEETOS! (oh did I leave out a letter?)
Hmmmm.... mad bunny... I miss the OP
Well.. My first "love" and I were in my friends apartment an we noticed that it was pouring and both of us looked at each other and realized that we both left our windows down in my new truck so then we ran out of the apartment, down the stairs, through the parking lot and then jumped in the truck. We laughed all the way…
I love watching my daughter play basketball!
Yes. My wedding.. (I should a took that as a sign...) HYE bought someones lunch in a restaurant without them knowing it?
When I was 20 I had a lady who was at least 50 say "You sure are a tall drink of water and I would love to take you for a ride..." I shutter every time I remember this...