

  • yesterday i managed to stay under my calorie goal. but today i m 223 calorie over my goal. i did 85 minutes of exercise including walking and stationary bike. and also wanted to know what is best.. abs and back core conditioning OR Bodysculpt ?? i want to join fitness class but confused between the two.
  • today wasn't the best day .. i had pizza in lunch and didnt do any time on stationary bike just manage to burn 154 calories by slow walking for 60 minutes. :yawn: now i m thinking of having my dinner light staying under my daily calorie goal of 1200. best of luck to me :laugh:
  • hi even i joined two days ago and its never late to start something good for you. lets carry one then.
  • i m good but i think you should take thing little bit easy . hope you will alright soon
  • i managed to burn 154 calories with 20 minutes of stationary bike and i was under my daily calorie goal. :smile: and the report said said i was eating too few calories. :noway: but whatever i am happy with me. :laugh: tomorrow is a new day. lets hope for the best :happy:
  • yes i have a gym nearby and they do this 30 min workout sessions and i think i need to book one for me now. thnx
  • yes a few times people will say i m so tiny but i know i m not especially my tummy so my response will be just smile and thank you.
  • u mean cardiovascular exercises? i noticed my all exercises i.e. walking , stationary bike, housework are cardiovascular only and i dont do any strength exercises. so i want ideas for both. and specially for my tummy. thnx for asking :smile:
  • yeah !! :explode: so how to start ............ ????
  • me too .. :grumble: thats my biggest problem area :ohwell: would love to have a flat belly. :bigsmile: Want some motivation and i know together we can do it. :wink:
  • i think i am getting enough sleep. even when i don't get enough sleep at night i try have afternoon nap sometime.
    in food craving Comment by kanzz July 2011
  • yeah , i am trying to drink more water nowadays. i don't know what are the good carbs and what are the bad carbs. can u please give me some examples about what to replace with what. :smile:
    in food craving Comment by kanzz July 2011