

  • You can do it. You sound determined. I too have tried every diet, but this really seems to be working for me so far, but the first step is to get your mind right. Good luck.
  • I'm in.
  • I'm in. Thanks, I also need the extra motivation this week.
  • WW is a good program. I have done WW several times. It is all about accountability. The reason I think this is better, is because you can see results daily, by being below your points. In WW I found myself only sticking to it 1-2 days before weigh in just so I could have a loss. I usually pigged out right after weigh in.…
  • that is great. Makes you feel good about yourself, doesn't It? Keep up the good work.
  • My dear husband and I have been married a long time and I am kinda wanting a new wedding band with diamonds. After 21 more pounds, I get one. I agree that everyday that I stick to my diet and exercise, that is a major reward. It makes you feel so much better about yourself. I also love flowers and think that is a great…
  • Not real sure about the green yolks, but make sure your water is boiling before you put the eggs in the water, and lower them in with a spoon. I have heard that adding salt to your water makes a difference. Hope this helps.