

  • Interesting, I hadn't heard that. I found some old thread on here, but we all know science moves in one direction, and I know some things have changed.
  • Throw in some healthy fats, make a dressing from raw olive oil and apple cidar vinegar, take 2 tbl of fish oil a day or coconut oil in a smootie......but 1200 is no bueno. It just isn't. You could be hurting your results.
  • So.......an appeal to the OP, and a bit of sane reason. Plus a couple opinions thrown in for good measure. Its clear multiple strategies work for different reasons. Some are related to the diet or focus, but we are still all individuals and need to learn how our bodies respond to things based on our body composition,…
  • The estimates they give you for what you burn on gym machines is WOEFULLY overdone. At least it has been in the past. Eliptical machines may raise your heart rate, but they are a very poor exercise. The only time you should be on amachine is if you can't go outside, have serious issues with your legs, or are just doing a…
  • Sheesh. Yeah you aren't eating enough lady. 1100 is not enough. Sometimes hunger also has to do with what you are eating. If you eat some leanprotein and rice for dinner.....that is going to make you hungry. Oils and healthy fats can keep you from feeling that way. Dehydration also causes you to think you may be hungry.…
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