sabrinaaitchison Member


  • Black coffee I like are: Timothy's rainforest expresso or breakfast blend, Starbucks pike place roast, or vernanda blend, all for keurig. I am not an expert but the dark roasts and French roast are usually a bit more bitter. Look for a medium to light roast.
  • I too am a ways from any "gym". Plus have 4 kids. I have committed to going to one exercise class per week, there is a really great lady who does awesome classes in a few towns surrounding me. I also like to get together with a friend and do a video or challenge each other to create our own workout. We both like to do…
  • I don't think I would drink it before bed. Post work out would be best. It is true you need to be ingesting adequate protein whilst loosing weight or your body will not have any muscle left. Muscles burn more calories per pound than fat. You need the amino acids in the protien to build and sustain your muscles. Feel free…