jom87 Member


  • I'm feeling so down about it because I actually went this morning to try smaller clothes and nothing fitted! I'm still the same size! I just don't understand. I must have been squeezing into the wrong sizes and like you all said, stretched my clothing out. I've always been a yoyo dieter but I've lost the 4 stone from…
  • An update with this... Tuesday I was 5lbs up after gaining 7lbs over night from Saturday night. My official weight in is not until tomorrow but I couldn't wait. So the scales are showing 14stone 13lbs and 3 quarters. It has taken me all week to lose the extra 5lbs which I can only assume came from eating Chinese! A lesson…
  • Thank you all for the replies. The Chinese was shared between 3 which was crispy shredded beef, chicken chow mein, special fried rice and a pancake roll. It sounds a lot but the portion was small compared to the portion I use to eat! I'm drinking plenty of water so I'm hoping come sunday when I weigh in, I would have lost…