drabbits3 Member


  • I think I may give up posting anything on MFP. Lots of us get all worked up and it really was just a silly, innocent question. Not meant to incite a big religious debate. I know this is not the place for that-jeez.
  • And...I didn't mean to get everyone all worked up. Just asking a question. I am not advertising my religion at all--separation of church and state is a VERY good thing!!!! Not trying to be offensive at all.
  • What would be a better example for my students? Not at all sarcastic--I teach 6th grade and 8th grade. I don't smoke, don't drink, married 20 years--not a lot of vices. We go to church on Wednesdays as a school and on Sundays as a family. I am far from perfect, that's not at all what I am getting at, but what would be a…
  • I actually like going alone because I figure if I look like an uncoordinated spaz no one knows me!!!!! And it's kind of meditative to just go and not have to make small talk with someone or be nervous about what a friend might think of you. If you are a YMCA person everyone is super friendly and regular and all shapes and…
  • Not inappropriate at all--I am a lifelong Catholic and teach in a Catholic school. It is indeed supposed to be something that is a sacrifice, something difficult that will cause you to think about the sacrifice Christ made for us. So the Amazon idea is more to the point than my "no sugar" thing! That said, it's not a bad…
  • my husband was unemployed for 11 months of last year and I have two teenaged boys. who eat a LOT of food. I understand BUT think hard about what you are teaching your kids and what you are setting them up for as adults--if they acquire a taste for cheap, quick, unhealthy foods aren't they going to be in the same fat mess…
  • I feel your pain! Some foods I have decided to just not have because a small amount just isn't worth it. But some stuff--even a small amount is just a TON of calories. I love LOVE LOVE croissants, but a normal size one is like 260 calories. I think I have had three in the past 8 months because it just seems like a lot for…
  • gosh, I just eat lentils mixed with wild rice or farro or barley. I love how they taste. even better cooked in veggie stock. Moosewood has a great lentil soup recipe that might be gluten free--onions, carrots, celery, lentils, stock, throw in some rice or other non-grain, or cubed potatoes--love it.
  • chocolate--not that carob crap. and homemade cookies. no applesauce/stevia/honey substitutions--actual butter-sugar-brown sugar cookies.
  • croissants and glazed donuts. way too many to count. I have only had like 2 croissants since last June.
  • Yes to walking! when it's nice out that is what I do the most. I live two blocks from Lake Michigan and I LOVE walking on the lake trail. I walk all year as long as it's reasonable. I actually don't mind when it's cold-just bundle! One thing I have done is put Pandora radio on my phone and make a bunch of different…
  • hummus and veggies, a small portion of crackers and low fat cheese, instant oatmeal--that helps my sugar cravings depending on the flavor, one slice low fat toast and almond butter, 100 calorie yogurts, a small portion of nuts--super high in fat, so measure carefully, carrots and guacamole--get the 100 calorie cups so it's…
  • Build it into your daily calories. I am a big cookies and tea person, and I will happily save some calories for one or two of my favorite cookies at night. If I don't have the calories left then I will have an orange or carrots or cucumber slices-something I can have a lot of for little calories. And drink tons of water…
  • sleep. hours and hours of sleep. and then to wake up to a clean house. and then more sleep.
  • Oh honey-I understand! I have been teaching for 13 years--I remember!!! Now I have two teenaged sons and a husband who travels for work all week--I understand busy! What saves me is weekend cooking and making double of everything if possible. Typical items I make are whole wheat-flax banana muffins--easily portable (could…
  • Veggies. Each morning (of the night before) I cut up 2-3 cups of raw veggies in a tupperware for the next day. I like raw green beans, raw cauliflower, broccoli, radishes, carrots, jicama, colored peppers, celery. I do 1/2 cup of each, whatever I bought that week. The mix is more interesting than one big container of the…
  • I cut up 2-3 cups of fresh veggies the night before or in the morning and that is my snack throughout the day, usually with hummus. Today it was 1/2 cup raw green beans, 1/2 cup raw cauliflower, 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, 1/2 cup baby carrots, 1/2 cup radishes, 1/2 cup sliced orange peppers. I made a container for today and…
  • I lost 20 pounds on Citalapram. I think the weight gain might be more from the general "can't get my sh** together" anxiety feeling than the meds!!! That's how I felt until I finally made myself make better choices.
  • Oh I feel you with popcorn. Skinny Pop--any flavor. I too tell myself I will measure the portion size but NO, I eat the whole bag, which I am pretty sure negates the SKINNY part... I did not buy any at the store today--going to break that habit this week. I realize it's not the worse thing I could binge on, but still--no…
  • I drink green tea all day long, both hot and iced, straight up, nothing added. I have probably 10 varieties in my house at any given moment. I like plain green tea, none of that herbal, potpourri, flowery crap (kidding--don't jump all over that please!!!) I drink Tazo--sold at Whole Foods--the China Green Tips and the…
  • I can sleep any time any place for as long as I am not awakened. Last weekend I went to bed at 10pm and slept until noon the next day.
  • Cookies--loaded cookies, like oatmeal chocolate chip with nuts and raisins, pie, scones, donuts, croissants OR potato chips/fries. Devils all.
  • I make a bunch of stuff in jars--love it. I have done the stacked salad in a jar-quinoa or spelt or farro on the bottom, greens, tomato, carrot, cucumber--measured out so I can record calories-done. Also overnight oats in a jar--1/2 cup oatmeal covered with 1/2 cup water, top with 1/2 cup plain fat free greek yogurt. The…
  • try the 100 Days of Real Food site. That mom publishes meal plans periodically and I paid $9.95 for a fairly large download of a big lunch plan-like for packing kid lunches, but I use the recipes for my own lunches and even for dinners.
  • I wish I didn't like cookies--I have such a sweet tooth and can convince myself that "one cookie won't hurt". yeah right-when has anyone ever eaten ONE cookie?!?!! Certainly not me or I wouldn't be here with weight to lose!!!!!
  • oh honey--embrace the swimming. it's the best. I am a terrible, nervous swimmer but I love it. I am 44 and only started swimming 5 years ago. before that, couldn't swim a stroke. I started doing laps at the Y with a kick board and found out I love it. Now I can swim a mile. it takes me forEVER but who cares?! don't worry…
  • To be a healthy middle aged mom, not a frumpy mom. At age 44, it could have gone either way!!!!! Both my sons are athletes and I was tired of being tired and sedentary. And now I look good at the beach with them!
  • I am a teacher too, but I can run to the bathroom between classes or step out for a moment if I need to-I teach junior high. I keep a water bottle in my car and try to drink about a third on the way to school and the rest on the way home. All day in class I do drink green tea-we have an electric hot water kettle thing in…