

  • I've been searching the Internet because I'm going tubing later today and I can't find the answer anywhere! Did anyone else find an answer?
  • Your face regimen probably isn't dealing with the sweat and germs sticking to your face. I've been using this toner spray: http://shop.thesourceskincare.com/product_p/tss-wtpepperminttoner.htm "It provides analgesic, antiseptic, astringent, anti-pyretic (anti-itch) and anti-inflammatory benefits to skin. Suitable for all…
  • Your heart beating fast is what burns your calories. If your heart is still beating fast enough to burn that many calories, then you should count it. As you get more in shape, your heart will recover faster anyway, which is a sign of a healthy heart. I would record the calories until your heart rate is within a normal…
  • You can always remove the wrap from the dish you order.... it should be easy if you order something like a burrito. Also, some meat you order in chinese restaurants have a lot of fat.
  • Toning and building muscle are different things. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so if you start building muscle, you may slow down your weight loss. To tone, you want to do things like pilates, yoga, and aerobics. To build muscle, you want to do strength training, like weights on or off your machine. Also, if…