PeachyMango333 Member


  • Wow, congrats! I also have about 20 lbs to lose, so I would love to have more friends for motivation! :smiley:
  • Hey guys, thanks so much for all of your advice. Unfortunately, I did not get better, dropped down to 70, and was inpatient for 2.5 months. After that, I got up to 110 and then at discharge dropped back to 92 instantly. At school, I was working with the admin, my Dr,, A therapist, and had good friends around me; they…
  • omg, I don't want to do this....I've slipped into my old bad routine of LNS. I've gained so much from doing that, so now, using this and your guys' motivation, starting otnight, no more LNS! >:) 7.12.17 Me:0 LNS:1
  • Hey!!! I'm trying to lose some pounds I gained while trying to reform healthy habits, and I'd love some motivation :)
  • Hey guys, thanks for all of the posts. I drove myself down to 75 pounds. I'm getting treatment now, and I've seen psychiatrists, but I keep relapsing so hard. I'm beginning to lose my friends and family. I miss their care so much, but it's like exercise and weight is all that matters to me. I can't just sit down and enjoy…
  • Hey, I totally get you. My anorexic compulsions drove me to the point where at 5'6, I was down to 75 pounds. I've been in recovery, but every day it is such a struggle to not want to compulsively exercise or worry about restriction. I'm scared to swallow food, always seek ways to restrict or burn more calories, and all of…
  • Is there still room? I'm not looking to lose weight, but exercise minutes? I'd like to stay motivated :)
  • It's just, I'm so busy during the day, I'm happy not eating. Like, the thought of wasting time eating makes me unhappy. I feel like this sense of power over my control of when I used to have a goal of losing weight, that feeling of being able to save 300 calories by skipping meals felt so good. I felt so…
  • Thank you both so much; that honestly makes me feel better and more self-confident! :happy: I'm not much of a "lifting" person, but trying it out won't hurt; heck, it may be better for me in the end; I'm just preoccupied with training for my black belt at the moment, but I will surely give it a go. As for fats, I should…
  • Even after 2 years of putting my metabolism through that much damage, it'll be okay? Sorry, I'm just really worried; over exaggerating even, probably. I read that if your body temperature stays at 96 for homeostasis, your metabolism is highly damaged, which worries me because that applied to me; now it's between 97.4-.8,…
  • My ideal weight is said to be 136 with a BMI of 24, I feel at a secure BMI at 19