

  • Starry, First off grat on being 22 lbs from your goal! Thats awesome! I know exactly what you mean about getting too comfortable. I'm 46 lbs down and I feel like Superman. Problem is that the "late night munchies" are my Kryptonite. Just like you, I'm getting way too comfortable. "Whats it gonna hurt right?" I have really…
  • This site (primarily the iPhone app) has totally helped me change my life in the last couple of months. Its a tool for accountability, something that was missing from my lifestyle. Without accountability or acknowledgement, my weight was harming my health, my career, friendships and my marriage. Obviously no website or…
  • First off Happy Birthday! As far as your drink selection tonite, its like a cookie or ice cream....portion control. I just looked on the mobile app and it list many mixed drinks or beers and their calories. Examples; Applebee's Long Island Ice Tea. 1 drink = 170 calories Jagermeister. 1 Shot = 103 calories. Amaretto Sour.…